Any donations you make go directly to our organisation’s core funds, which help us work to bring about a more sustainable and resilient environment across the Thames Estuary for people and wildlife alike.
Core funding enables our staff to carry on key project work and collaborations with other organisations and create a wide range of dedicated online resources, such as podcasts, maps and education materials. We make these resources available and free to access here on our website so that anyone in the world can learn more about data, trends and work in the estuary environment.
By donating, you help us to maintain and update these valuable tools so we can continue to get the message out about how important it is to work together for conservation and sustainability. Together we can make a difference, so thanks again for helping us to promote a healthy Thames Estuary now and in the future for the benefit of all!
​Especially now, when like many charities, TEP is experiencing funding challenges due to the impact of COVID-19, any donation is gratefully received. We thank you for your help and interest in preserving the Thames!