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Presented by Chris Baines, President of the Thames Estuary Partnership, The Living Thames is an odyssey along the river as it meanders through London and flows out to sea, exploring its ever-changing ecology.


This film tells the hidden story of the Thames: how it has transformed from a ''dead" river to one of the cleanest inner-city river in Europe. Our documentary opens people’s eyes to how the Thames is crucial for connectivity, biodiversity, wildlife and migrating species. We encourage everyone to feel part of the Thames, and join in helping to look after it, to ensure its continued vitality. 


The Living Thames is now available at the click of a mouse all over the world! We’re grateful to the many generous supporters who enabled us to make the film. 


Following its success, we’re making a sequel. The Historic Thames will be a journey through millennia, charting the Thames Estuary’s evolution and influences, from the last Ice Age to the present day.

Chris Baines, President of the Thames Estuary Partnership, will travel the tidal Thames, meeting expert speakers in familiar and not-so-familiar places. Through their knowledge and experience, the film will explore the Thames’s evolution from wild and watery swamp to busy commercial waterway at the heart of one of the world’s greatest cities.
The film will show the Thames really is a ribbon through time and deserves to be cared for and celebrated.  


We’ve formed a community interest company, Aqua Eye Media, to produce The Historic Thames and provide associated educational outreach.  






​As before, our aim is to tell the Thames’s inspiring story to the world, with a particular focus on reaching young people and schools.
Our distribution partner, independent content distributor Film Volt, will ensure the film reaches a wide audience, including educational markets, video on demand platforms and broadcasting.
All distribution proceeds will be used to help make a third documentary, The Global Thames, which will explore the estuary’s worldwide role in the one-ocean system.
Once again, we need your help!
We plan to shoot The Historic Thames this year and are working hard to raise the funds we need from philanthropic donations, corporate sponsorship, and rentals of The Living Thames.

Please give what you can to help us cover production costs, such as our top-notch technical crew, equipment hire and transport to the many fascinating locations.
​We’ll thank all our kind supporters with regular updates, an on-screen credit and a plus-one invitation to the premiere in London.
If you would like to support The Historic Thames, or simply read more about it, please visit

Help us raise funds by watching

The Living Thames!

Thames Estuary Partnership

University College London
Office for the Vice-Provost (Research)
Room 117
26 Bedford Way 
London, WC1H 0AP
United Kingdom

Tel: 07564786798



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The Thames Estuary Partnership is both a Company Limited by Guarantee (no. 3807387) and a registered charity (no. 1083199).

© 2024 Thames Estuary Partnership

Website designed by Thames Estuary Partnership and Mindfully Wired Communications Ltd and hosted by Wix. 

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